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Crib5, what it means for you.

Updated: Jun 18

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Crib 5, also known as Ignition Source 5, is a fire safety standard that applies to furniture, beds and mattresses. The tests that are carried out for this certification ensure all of the fabrics used in these items are fire retardant to a standard safe for use, in certain environments, if a fire were to break out.

Certain business are required to comply with these standards to ensure fire safety and these include hotels, guest houses, holiday parks. Youth hostels and care homes have even higher fire safety regulations.

The industry strongly recommends that all businesses involved in hospitality follow this standard, especially any person or business who rents property with overnight accommodation. So, if you have an Airbnb, B&B or holiday home you should ensure that all fabrics meet the Crib5 standard.

For peace of mind it is worth the investment and if the worst were to happen you will be sure you have meet your obligation of 'duty of care' for your guests. Know what Crib5 means for you.

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